Knitty Gritty!

Where has Andrea been? Certainly not posting. OK, you're not surprised or wondering where I've been. I'll tell you anyway.

Here: Dwell Wool Knits blog and here: Dwell Wool Knits store

I made the leap and now am considered a WAHM (work at home mom). It's very part-time and not too well paying considering how long it takes me to knit. But I'm having fun with it. I really have been enjoying knitting and knitting for others and hope I do well. So far so good! I had a friend design my website and logo and am getting ready to "stock" my store with customs and little knit toys. Wish me luck!

Since I have to go and knit now, I will at least upload a few pics, since pics are always fun. I'll have time to chat more later. Hope everyone's summer is going well! (Wait, it's not summer yet, is it? Sorry, the 98 degree weather certainly has me feeling like summer is here...)

The happiest I've ever seen Jackson.

The boys and their mama on Mother's Day.

Do not, I repeat, do not try to take treats away from Liam. He gets mad.