Liam has taken the big step up to eating *real* food. Well, it looks gross to me and I wouldn't really consider it real, but he's got to start with something. The first couple times I gave him the rice cereal, he gobbled it down. Then he did a 180 and gagged and grimaced when I brought to the spoon to his mouth. After trying some bananas in with the rice cereal he decided he likes it MUCH better. So enjoy some photos of Liam and his milestone.
We've been a busy family running about to various birthday parties and family gatherings. The 4th of July was spent at the Isabell's home. It wasn't a warm enough day for the pool, but that didn't stop us from thoroughly enjoying a relaxing afternoon. Now that we have little ones, we don't get to see fireworks since those happen WAAAAY past bedtime. It would have been traumatizing to Liam, anyway, who gets upset when he hears an applause at church. The only photo I got from the 4th was him sleeping on our friend Christine Friedrich's shoulder. She has a way with my children, putting them into deep states of relaxation whenever she holds them.
On Friday night we went to Olive Garden for Grace's 17th birthday. Happy Birthday Grace, now go get your driver's license so you can drive up here to babysit!
I only got a couple photos while there, and none with the celebrated Grace. Sorry! I'll get them at your party! Well these are the only photos that came out. Uncle Jon with Jackson and me with Liam.
Saturday was a long day for us. After a two-hour, napless drive down to south Jersey, we went to cousin Sarah's baby girl Lila's first birthday party. It was awesome to see the Zarrello side of the family there. Jackson loved playing with his cousin Ava. And AACK, I got not one photo. Bad mommy! Well I had to keep a sharp eye on Liam's great aunts, as one in particular, eh hem, Aunt Betty, wanted badly to give him cake since he was staring at it. Just because he likes to look at food doesn't mean he needs to eat it! He's only 6 months old! :)
Tomorrow will not be a fun day. Liam has his 6 month well check up. Four shots. Ouch.
I am glad that Liam is doing better with eating! He is such a cutie!