Christmas Recoup

The past few days have been interesting! Time flew leading up to Christmas. Our days were filled with baking, cleaning, last minute shopping, attending holiday parties, and throughout all that, leading up to Christmas Day, Jackson picked up a nasty virus. :( How could Jackson be sick for half of the Christmas Days he has been alive for??!?! He's managed... His first year he was only one month, so that year didn't count, the next year we spent Christmas watching carefully over him until we ended up bringing him to the ER to spend the rest of the day, last year was good, and I really had some high hopes for this year... But alas... The Virus. Poor guy didn't wake up until late, and here I was thinking he'd be running down the steps at 6am! I woke up early to make some Monkey Bread (mmm, so good!) and was all ready to go with the camera. Instead, he trudged out of his room with flushed cheeks, fever already apparent. I gave him a cup of OJ, and not 5 minutes after having that, he got sick to his stomach. Ugh, not a good start. He didn't even want to open gifts. Liam was more spirited and enjoyed his gifts, and after some Motrin Jackson came back around and we managed some presents. It was a subdued Christmas Day to say the least. We enjoyed our quiet time together and were thankful in remembering the birth of our Savior. We did make it out to the Isabell's for a few hours to have brunch and exchange gifts. There was even a special appearance by Buddy the Elf! Thanks Aunt Bethany!!! :)

Christmas Eve was a better experience for the boys. We went to the Medieros Family to celebrate with the Stevenson side of the fam. It was awesome to have Christmas Eve with Nan - and everyone was super impressed with Trisha's prowess in the kitchen. Mmmm! Beef Wellington. (wink-wink, I won't give away your secret, Trish! :cough-cough, the butcher made it, cough-cough: Ooops! We had a wonderful time and the boys had a blast opening gifts and playing. Jackson and Ava have so much fun together and it's neat that they actually go off together to play alone. So far no trouble!

The day after Christmas, uneasy about how the kids were, we ventured to the William Penn Inn with Justin's family to have a day-after-Christmas dinner together. Jackson got sick to his stomach while there, but insisted he was ok and wanted to stay, so we ate fast and enjoyed time with family before scurrying out.

Next year I will be attempting to quarantine the family two weeks prior to Christmas! Hopefully everyone will be healthy! In about a week we're all heading to Stowe, VT for a family vacation. Should be... interesting! No, we are really looking forward to some time away. Jackson might try his hand at skiing! Stay tuned...