We were fortunate to go pumpkin picking twice this year! Our first outing was to Bobwhite Acres in Quakertown. We originally set out for apple picking there, but once Jackson saw there was a tractor drawn hayride to a pumpkin patch, apples were a thing of the past. It was a cute little local farm and had some great pumpkins. Must say it was strange pumpkin picking in warm weather!

Our next trip a couple weeks later was to Nonesuch Farms, where we typically go as a family. They go all out there with pony rides, music, food, games, etc.. We went on a horse drawn hayride for some variety this time. We picked out the best pumpkins we could find... again... Jackson is too funny when searching out pumpkins. He puts a lot of thought into it and also have a lot of concern over the squashed and battered pumpkins. It's like he wants to give them a good home. Sadly I didn't get many good pickures because the camera battery died out before we even got out to the patch. This is all I got...

A couple weeks ago I was out at the store and found a nifty pack of microwave caramel for making caramel apples. So we cheated! I thought it would be the easiest way to have Jackson involved. He had a blast making them. They were de-lish too!


  1. too cute